Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

The Gay Agenda Targeting Youth

Teaching Children to Respect Sin

A few weeks from now, a star-studded fundraiser will be held in Beverly Hills. It’s called the “Respect” Awards and its sponsor is GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. And


Public Nudity Advocates Embrace 'Trans' Agenda

One goal of the bathroom privacy wars is to destroy modesty. Children are especially prized as change agent warriors. That’s all because bodily modesty is considered a relic of a bigoted Christian


What Doctors Tell Kids Behind Closed Doors

Friends of ours related a chilling incident that happened to their teen son. Visiting a family physician for a school sports’ physical, the boy was asked by the doctor, ”So, are you attracted to


Gender Rebel Schools Pit Kids Against Parents

Here’s a sign to post in New Jersey: ”Welcome to our state, where boys may openly pose as girls and governors may openly pose as Republicans.” Gov. Chris Christie just joined the “Hall of


6 Actions to Protect America's Future: Our Children

As we gather for cookouts and fireworks this week, let’s not forget why we assemble and what it takes to preserve freedom. We must protect America’s future—our impressionable children. In


BREAKING: NEA Teachers' Union May Expel Ex-Homosexual Exhibitors

Welcome to America, the land of the free--- unless you belong to the National Education Association, the nation’s largest union.  This increasingly radical arm of far-left politics always has its


Real Women: Stand Up to Pretend 'Girls'

With Wonder Woman’s revival, think about this. What is your picture of the ideal woman? It probably doesn’t include theft. And most likely, it starts with women who are not actually guys, which


Innocent Children on Front Lines in Raging Culture War

Children are being thrust into the spotlight these days amid the raging clash of cultures. An element of consent exists for some, but tragically, not for all. In Twin Falls, Idaho, a five-year-old


'Equality' March is Not about Equality

There’s a national homosexual “march for equality” in Washington, D.C. on June 11. Equality? Really? This movement is backing down from its current goal of tyranny and supremacy, and actually


Stand Up to 'Anti-Bullying' Homosexual Bullies

A special counsel was named last week to investigate the ongoing pattern of religious discrimination, slander, libel and child corruption by homosexual advocacy groups. Among those to be investigated


Coat Hangers, Electric Shock and Other Leftist Myths

A consumer fraud complaint has been filed with the Federal Trade Commission by a consortium of counselors and physicians against the deceptive practices of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the


Prayer for GLSEN, HRC, PFLAG, and GSA Network

Prayer for GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), the Human Rights Campaign, PFLAG, and the GSA Network Pray to the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit that: Staff


Fake Safety Concerns that Cause Real Victims

We live in dangerous times. Some catastrophes are, as we know, acts of God.  But then there’s the tragedy of man-made risks, and today, leftists are often America’s prime perpetrators. These


Matthew Shepard Legacy: "Fake News"

Is the accepted legacy of Matthew Shepard “fake news”?  Recently a radio listener contacted me, concerned about yet another high school performing The Laramie Project, a play/movie depicting


Professors Who Are Child-Porn Monsters

What in the world goes through the mind and heart of a child abuser? A child rapist? Or the person who collects images of children being raped and tortured and exchanges them with other viewers,


Betsy DeVos Has Drunk the 'LGBTQ' Kool-Aid

America’s new education leader showed her true colors on morality last week. She revealed that she’s a supporter of the destructive homosexual and gender confusion agenda. America needs to pray


University Faculty and Staff Arrested for Child Abuse and Porn

Faculty and staff at many colleges and universities arrested for child porn, child rape and sex trafficking? It's horrifying. Dr. Lori Handrihan's excellent research uncovering how many of these


Time to WALKOUT on the Pro-Homosexual "Day of Silence"

Should boys be allowed access to girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and showers? This is what we were all supposed to accept in America in 2017. Like many of you, we are not buying it. Thanks to


Who Will Rescue Endangered Teen Homosexuals?

Homosexuality is harmful to children and other living things. A new federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) survey provides the jaw-dropping evidence. But the left is busy blaming conservatives


Questions and Answers for Kids about Homosexuality

Have you wished you could find a simple flyer for your older grade school or middle school children about homosexuality? Well, Mission America has developed one. It's clear, concise and provides a