Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Homosexuality and Health

The Promising Decline of GLSEN, HRC and Trevor

There’s some very encouraging news about those who have been pushing homosexuality and gender confusion to our children and on our culture. When you first look at a couple of recent news items, you


Making Trump Orders a Reality in Schools

The whiplash of good news could make our heads hurt, but isn’t it glorious? One after another common sense, pro-America executive order, and families now stand before a huge open door. God is good.


Ohio Schools Defying State Law will Endanger Children

UPDATED--Some people think it’s okay if confused 14-year-old girls seek out surgeons to amputate their healthy breasts after being persuaded they should try to become males. It’s also apparently


OSU Sex Week is a Sleazy DEI Joke

Valentine's Day is coming up on February 14th, and the theme of love apparently triggers a whole array of opportunities designed by the sexual anarchist groups in our culture to promote dangerous and


School Corruption & Propaganda Calendar

Updated for School Year 2024-25 [NOTE: We have updated with the information we have at present. Please check back for additions in the next months as some events firm up their dates.] Are you


What is "Between the Covers" of Children's Books?

[Originally published on Deborah's website, What's Inside Children's Books? Warning: graphic content] I am not the arbiter of what labels a book “good” or “bad.” Do I have my personal


Parents Sue Over 'Trans' Tyranny in Ohio School

Parents in the Olentangy school district north of Columbus (OH) have filed a federal lawsuit against the district for violating both the First and 14th Amendment rights of students and families. The


The ‘LGBTQ’ Product American Kids are Buying and How To Stop It

Your child attending public school in the U.S. now has a 1 in 4 chance of declaring an “LGBTQ” identity before the end of high school. Do you see a problem with this? Perhaps you, like many


Is "LGBTQ" Driving Rising Teen Mental Health Disorders?

In the most privileged, affluent country in the history of the world, our young people are experiencing a sharp rise in mental health problems and suicide attempts. What could be more ironic?


Abstinence Sex Education in Ohio Schools: Good News/Bad News from State Audit

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE --Feb. 20, 2023 Contact: Diane Stover – director@protectohiochildren.net                Linda Harvey – office@missionamerica.com (Cleveland,


Top 10 Ways America is Being Groomed to Normalize Pedophilia

Respectable pedophilia. Are you ready for this? I’m not and I will be screaming against it until the last breath. But it’s coming unless a massive parent brigade shows up in both schools and in


NEA Promotes High Risk Explicit Content to Students

Numerous reports around the nation reveal a reckless new tool the National Education Association's "LGBTQ" Caucus introduced into schools recently: a name badge for teachers that sells a


Suicide, Sex and The School Trauma Cult

Children embody our future hopes and dreams. But some parents are willing to deal with the devil, betting tomorrow’s dreams against today’s comfort. The bargain is suicide prevention, or so


Nationwide Children’s Hospital Removes Obscene 'Trans' Link from Site

We have bad news /good news to report. Nationwide Children’s Hospital had carried a link in the gender program section of its website that led within a few clicks to pornographic material. This


OH House Bill 616 Has Strong Potential for Child Protection

The screaming is becoming monotonous. Virtually every objection raised against Ohio House Bill 616 is incorrect. Outrage from “LGBTQ” activists, some major newspapers, the teachers’ unions, and


Top 10 Reasons to Say NO to School Health Clinics

Schools have one job: academics. Housing, feeding, clothing, college, religious training and health care for children are responsibilities solely in the purview of parents/guardians. Governor Mike


'Don't Allow Grooming' Bill Exposes 'LGBTQ" Child Agenda

There are times when many of us would really love to say, “We told you so.” Despite the mocking and scorn over the years, it turns out there actually is a “gay” agenda directed toward


Real vs. Pretend Risks Jeopardize All Americans

Ready to be re-masked? Many schools just announced all-student masking policies to kick off the school year. And who can argue, after the tragic deaths of millions of children from COVID over the


A Mom Speaks Out About the Medical Gender Agenda

Most of you are observing with alarm, as I am, the transformation of the medical profession. Science is taking a back seat to politics in more and more health advice, and one recent outrage is the


VICTORY! Abstinence Standard Preserved through Ohio Budget

“Parents Right to Know” signed by Governor, Includes most provisions of HB 240 We are blessed to live in a country where elections matter— at least in Ohio— and our state has a majority of