Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Sex Education Extremism

It's Time for Big Dreams in our Statehouses

There's an old adage that says, “Strike while the iron is hot.” We are witnessing  a cultural shift back to sanity and the rule of law in our culture, thanks to the prompt actions of President


Making Trump Orders a Reality in Schools

The whiplash of good news could make our heads hurt, but isn’t it glorious? One after another common sense, pro-America executive order, and families now stand before a huge open door. God is good.


Inappropriate Sexuality Lessons for K - 6 Schoolchildren-- Watch Webinar

I have reported to you a number of times about the trends in sex education in our schools and how we really need to support laws, like the one in Ohio, where authentic abstinence is the expected


Top 10 Pro-Family Hopes for Trump Administration

As we welcome the second Trump administration, there are many hopes that pro-family, pro-life Americans share. Here’s my top ten list: 10. Close our border and carry out promised deportations.


When Will Pastors Grieve over our Children?

Church leaders who claim to be biblically faithful avoid controversial issues and often duck under a “we should just share the Gospel” rationale. Yet the wrecked lives of their congregants and


Do the 10 Commandments Align with Social Emotional Learning?

American educators have a love-fest going with a trend called social emotional learning, SEL. It is suddenly everywhere within the last few years, infused in most parts of a child's daily school


Schools Back Off Legal Exposure and Expel Groomers

Do most parents understand that the word “inclusive” in schools means that kids will be taught how to have “safe” anal sex? Pardon me if I’ve shocked you, but that’s the bottom line, so


Urgent! Abstinence Programs in Ohio Need Funds

Friends, please read the letter below from Catherine Wood of the Ohio Adolescent Health Centers. This large, long-established network of groups bringing abstinence -until-marriage sex education to


Preventing Abuse, or Sexualizing Children?

by Linda Harvey Warning: Explicit Content Recently, parents in several northern Ohio school districts became outraged when they discovered how schools were fulfilling a new Ohio instructional


Sex Education in Ohio 2023: Analysis of Audit by ODEW of Ohio Schools

Sex Education in Ohio Schools 2023 Analysis of 2022-23 Audit Conducted by Ohio Department of Education & Workforce Mission America ( www.missionamerica.com) Protect Ohio Children


Why Don't All OH Schools Follow the Law and Teach Abstinence?

We are very blessed in the state of Ohio to have a law that requires public schools to teach that abstinence until marriage is the standard for sexuality, and steer students away from early sexual


How SEL Brings Radical Sex Ed to Your School

Watch VIDEO also -- Parents today are starting to understand that sex education is not what it used to be.  Explicit, X-rated lessons promoting reckless, hook-up relationships are being delivered


Will Ohio Beat Michigan and Defeat the Abortion Radicals?

The annual gridiron contest between Ohio and Michigan is a cherished, intense rivalry, and every year, the people of Ohio cheer on their team, hoping the Buckeyes capture that victory. This year,


Ohio School District Normalizes Child Abuse Symptoms in “LGBTQ” Presentation

It’s outrageous enough that school after school now positions “LGBTQ” identities and behaviors as positive inborn traits akin to race. That deception is doing untold harm to vulnerable children.


Ohio GOP Decides No Funds for School Abstinence Lessons

Republicans in Ohio hold a super-majority in the state legislature, and yet the recently passed two year budget contains little or nothing for abstinence-until-marriage sex education in Ohio


Abstinence Sex Education in Ohio Schools: Good News/Bad News from State Audit

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE --Feb. 20, 2023 Contact: Diane Stover – director@protectohiochildren.net                Linda Harvey – office@missionamerica.com (Cleveland,


Top 10 Ways America is Being Groomed to Normalize Pedophilia

Respectable pedophilia. Are you ready for this? I’m not and I will be screaming against it until the last breath. But it’s coming unless a massive parent brigade shows up in both schools and in


Finding Positive, Wholesome Books for Children and Families

Because there is so much harmful material that publishers and libraries offer children these days, I thought I would pass along the information I’ve gathered about how to evaluate books for your


NEA Promotes High Risk Explicit Content to Students

Numerous reports around the nation reveal a reckless new tool the National Education Association's "LGBTQ" Caucus introduced into schools recently: a name badge for teachers that sells a


Three Resolutions on Gender Issue at Ohio State Board of Education

Here are the three resolutions being considered by the Ohio State Board of Education on November 14 ( and possibly the 15th): Brendan Shea's resolution entitled, "RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT PARENTS,