Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Homosexuality and Christianity

Modern Paganism a Growing Threat to American Youth (Part 2)

The following is Part 2 of a two-part series, a very condensed version of Linda Harvey's book, Not My Child: Contemporary Paganism and the New Spirituality. For more information about the original


When Will Pastors Grieve over our Children?

Church leaders who claim to be biblically faithful avoid controversial issues and often duck under a “we should just share the Gospel” rationale. Yet the wrecked lives of their congregants and


Do the 10 Commandments Align with Social Emotional Learning?

American educators have a love-fest going with a trend called social emotional learning, SEL. It is suddenly everywhere within the last few years, infused in most parts of a child's daily school


Halloween: Gender Deceivers' Favorite Holiday

(This article is from several years ago yet is even more relevant today) So now even Playboy can’t help itself. A recent centerfold is a deceiver—a man pretending to be a woman. It’s


Finding Positive, Wholesome Books for Children and Families

Because there is so much harmful material that publishers and libraries offer children these days, I thought I would pass along the information I’ve gathered about how to evaluate books for your


Statement by Linda Harvey, Mission America and John Stover, Ohio Value Voters, on passage of HR 8404 "Respect for Marriage" Act

Linda Harvey statement: “Ohio families should be outraged that four Republicans in the Ohio congressional delegation—Mike Carey, Dave Joyce, Mike Turner and Anthony Gonzalez-- joined four


How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids

A question came up recently from a concerned parent: “How might a homosexual friend influence my child? Or someone who is confused about gender?" This has been an issue in a number of situations


Children Endangered as GOP Applauds Sexual Anarchy

“It’s for the children!” Politicians, pundits, activists of all stripes rush to play the baby card to draw support to their cause or candidacy. But often it’s completely insincere. Despite a


Annetta Small: An Unanticipated Ministry

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor


Top Twenty Secret Sins of 2020 America

Had enough of 2020? Time to move on? There’s one “great reset” we may all welcome, and that’s the need to get this miserable year behind us. But first, let’s shine a bright light into the


Talking Points to OPPOSE Ohio Homosexuality/Gender Confusion Bill

Talking Points to oppose House Bill 369 and Senate Bill 11, Ohio's “Sexual Orientation”/ “Gender Identity” bill (the so-called "Ohio Fairness


Offering Hope to the Homosexual and Transgender

[Editor’s note: It was surely God’s hand that resulted in “Sarah”1connecting with the author of this article, who then extended Christian-focused help to her. The author was a volunteer with


When Voters Understand LGBTQ Agenda Most Say No

It’s not a secret that activists driving “LGBTQ” rights in America are grand manipulators of public opinion, policy and facts. So when it comes to polls on this subject, it turns out that


Let's Go Back to Better, Not 'Normal'

Catastrophe brings reflection. What is most precious to me? What have I taken for granted? And ideally, the number one issue, am I following God’s will for my life? I share some nostalgia for


Jesus Rose to Save Homosexual Sinners

A call came in to our organization, Mission America, leaving this message. “I just came across your group and your viewpoint,” the young girl said, “and I just want you to know that I am


Mayor Pete, When It Comes to Kids, Butt Out!

The stage-managing of children for the depraved goals of homosexuality and gender rebellion needs to come to an end, right now. Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana mayor running for president,


CANCELLED! Pro Abortion OH Lawmaker Presenting Seminar in Catholic Church

Update: Because of calls to the church and the Diocese of Columbus, the event described below has been CANCELLED at St. Peter Church. Praise God! It will be held, however, at a public library on Feb.


God, Ingratitude and Sexual Sin

It’s that time of year when being grateful rises to the top of our priority list --for most of us, that is.   Sadly, some people are simply ungrateful, and proudly so. When we see the deep


Good News! There's No Bully Gene

There’s a great report coming out of genetic research. After painstaking study, scientists have determined there is, in fact, no gene for being a bully. No gene for being a cruel oppressor who


Iowa Incident Reveals Small Town Strategy of "LGBT" Activists

Your library in Mayberry is planning a “drag queen” event. What’s the best way to protest “LGBTQ” activism and child seduction in your small town?   Get ready, America. Local libraries