Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Homosexuality and Christianity

Calling Out 'LGBT' Agenda: Hate or Hope?

For my birthday this year, my husband gave me an inscribed silver bracelet, reading, “With God, all things are possible.” It’s particularly meaningful because I close my Mission America radio


The Will of God or the Will of Guy?

I met “gay Christian conservative” Guy Benson a few years back, before he became a Fox News commentator and a rising media personality. Benson revealed his inclinations in a book even as he was


Homosexuality is a Great Witnessing Opportunity

Recently, a friend visited a “social justice” congregation with a sizable young adult audience. She asked one of the pastors what he thought about homosexuality, and his reply was very revealing:


Christian Kids-- and their Faith-- Not SAFE at School

At Vashon Island High School in the state of WA, thanks to a student “queer” group’s advocacy, bathrooms are now open to all genders, and it’s certain this will not end well. And


Will 'No Name-Calling Week' Live Up to its Name?

It’s time in schools again for “No Name-Calling Week.” And that means your children will get a load of harmful propaganda and half-truths. Lesson plans are unveiled each January developed by


The Top 10 Child Corruption Trends of 2017

As we look back on 2017, how did our children fare? Unfortunately, the risk to America’s youth of deliberate corruption is escalating and along with that, the responsibility of parents and public


Will Pro-SPLC Media Robots Be Held Accountable?

The media’s propaganda campaign serving the Southern Poverty Law Center just hit close to home in my state, Ohio. A recent hit piece in the Columbus Dispatch stunningly displayed misplaced trust in


The Move to Repeal and Replace Christianity

The Nashville Statement has some virulent critics who have made it plain they want to wipe out sound sexual morality in favor of “LGBT” permissiveness. Or maybe, wipe out Christianity altogether.


Cozy or Conflicted? The Homosexual/Islam Relationship

If you want to understand why “LGBTQ” activists are so hostile to the faithful Christian church, look at their interactions with another religious group: Islam. It comes down to a perception of


AntiFam Groups: Those Who Actively Foment Hate Against Christians

© MassResistance (2017) HQs of major national groups noted in bold (most are in DC, CA, IL, MA, NY) These groups promote animus towards pro-family people. You may be labeled “bigot” or


This Sex Act Symbolizes the Fall of America

Warning: Graphic content When I became a Christian, God’s wondrous design of nature and the human body became a marvel to my “new creation” eyes. As the Lord miraculously opened my heart, I


'Equality' March is Not about Equality

There’s a national homosexual “march for equality” in Washington, D.C. on June 11. Equality? Really? This movement is backing down from its current goal of tyranny and supremacy, and actually


Stand Up to 'Anti-Bullying' Homosexual Bullies

A special counsel was named last week to investigate the ongoing pattern of religious discrimination, slander, libel and child corruption by homosexual advocacy groups. Among those to be investigated


Prayer for GLSEN, HRC, PFLAG, and GSA Network

Prayer for GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), the Human Rights Campaign, PFLAG, and the GSA Network Pray to the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit that: Staff


Questions and Answers for Kids about Homosexuality

Have you wished you could find a simple flyer for your older grade school or middle school children about homosexuality? Well, Mission America has developed one. It's clear, concise and provides a


4 Reasons Combating Evil Counts as 'Serving God'

When is “standing in the gap” going to become a noble idea again? In a recent conversation with a dear friend, the subject of serving God came up as we discussed a Christian best-selling book.


12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

"Surely you don't believe all homosexuals are child molesters!" That's the indignant response to growing concerns about open, proud homosexuals having such easy access to children and teens. New


Teaching Our Youth About Homosexuality and Gender Identity

There are two dimensions to standing up against the troubling issue of homosexuality. One is the personal; the other is the political. Christianity speaks to both, and our youth can learn the solid


The Wrong Side of Eternity

The church in drag is here. Not content in some quarters with God’s design, she seeks a gender change to become an artificial creation of man’s vain imagination. But it’s not a good look.  The


What Would Jesus Do on the 'Day of Silence'?

It’s over for another year, but a sobering question should make every teacher, administrator and parent pause: what would Jesus think about the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence”? Would Jesus