Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

The Homosexual Agenda Targeting Youth

Another OH Child Corruption Library Event Cancelled, thanks to Speaker Householder

Please send a thank-you to Speaker of the Ohio House Larry Householder for standing up against child corruption in libraries.   Another victory just occurred for Ohio families, this time through


Drag 101 Event Cancelled at Library! Ohio Families Said NO

The “Drag 101” event for teens at the Delaware (OH) County Library will not take place, at least not at the library, according to an announcement from the library director.   It’s been


Libraries Becoming Private Child Corruption Centers?

It’s bad enough that some libraries encourage little children to perch on the laps of transvestite males as they hear fables about well-adjusted homosexual families, in the so-called “Drag Queen


Gov. DeWine Promised to NOT SIGN a Homosexual Bill

Mike DeWine promised ME and 30 other pro-family advocates that he would NOT sign a homosexual "rights" bill. I asked him that question in a private forum in 2017. And he told all of us the answer was


Homosexual/Gender Confusion 'Rights' in Ohio? NO. Call Now.

From Linda Harvey-- URGENT--   Friends, we must take action immediately in OHIO to prevent an “Equality Act” here!   The Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee has heard proponent testimony— 200


Top 10 Ways to Amend the 'Equality Act'

Well, they did it. Nancy’s Pelosi’s rogue lawmakers passed the anti-Christian, anti-health, anti-morality, anti-child “Equality Act” ( H.R. 5). And so now it heads to the


Meet Joe Biden, "LGBTQ" Extremist

How quickly we forget. Joe Biden is not a “middle of the road” Democrat--- if there is such a thing in the party of proud infanticide laws, anti-Semitic smears, and approved invasion of our


Tell our Boys: Say Yes to Porn, Say Goodbye to the Best Girls

It’s the rumbling sexual earthquake in this country, a moral and public health emergency few want to talk about.   It’s often the buried root beneath the screaming demands for “LGBTQ”


The Spin Begins: "LGBTQ" Advocates Excuse Child Corruption

We are very blessed in Ohio to have some great pro-family legislators in Columbus at the Statehouse, and one of them just introduced a bill to address an emerging threat to children. It’s House


First Graders in the Crosshairs at Columbus School

The “LGBTQ” agenda is alive and well, sadly, right in Central Ohio, but the good news is that parents spoke out and made a difference.   Here’s what happened. On Monday, April 1 at 4:00 pm,


Call Congress about Dangerous 'Equality Act'!

The 'Equality Act' is no such thing, but will make the immoral, deviant behaviors of homosexuality and gender rebellion civil rights under federal law in the U.S. Think about that. Think about how


POSTERS & SIGNS to Express Your Views!

Are you sick and tired of the sexual corruption of your kids? Or your classmates? How about porn-laden, radical sex ed? The incessant "LGBTQ" agenda? Boys in girl bathrooms? Here are FREE,


'Equality Act' Opens Back Door to Pedophilia

  Jason is 13 and wants to date his male 21-year-old student teacher. If the “LGBT” Equality Act passes through Congress, the age of consent barrier may fall and allow him to do


CALL NOW about So-Called 'Equality Act' in Congress!

Should homosexuality and gender confusion become federal civl rights, like race, relgioun and so on? That's the essence of the radical, sweeping legislation in Congress called the "Equality


"Day of Silence" is a Day of Dumbed-Down Sin

If two middle school girls “date,” that’s normal – didn’t you know? Boys in girls’ restrooms, locker rooms and showers is also a “right” and anyone who objects is a racist. “But


President Trump, Please Stop the Grenell Campaign

It’s a State Department pretext for perpetuating the Obama LGBT agenda worldwide   President Trump has put his conservative base in a terrible situation by allowing openly homosexual US


Will More Teachers Smash Boundaries Under Compulsory "LGBTQ" Lessons?

  The door is now wide open in many public schools for corrupting teachers to enter and poison the minds and bodies of impressionable children.   Most teachers try to do what’s right, but with


Top 10 Progressive Endorsements of Child Abuse in 2018

There’s a lengthy, sordid history of the damage children suffer because of “progressive” values and policies. In 2018, the harm went beyond passive side effects.   The left is now brazenly


Candy Canes, Truthful Pronouns and Jesus: Fears that Torment the Left

  You’ve heard of “FOMO”— fear of missing out? It’s the driver of much social media traffic as the perennially insecure seek constant connection and validation.   Well, look out for a


How Your Child's Life Can Derail through Media and Friends

A 13-year-old girl spends hours watching poison on YouTube. The dream of every parent? Hardly.   But many parents don’t see the unfolding tragedy until it’s too late.   It’s true that