Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

The Gay Agenda Targeting Youth

Time to Shut Down Homosexual Clubs

BRAVE NEW SCHOOLS Time to shut down homosexual clubs Exclusive: Linda Harvey seeks men who will step up to protect HIV-vulnerable


The Pagan Explosion Among our Kids:

Not My Child Contemporary Paganism & New Spirituality Published by Living Ink Books,AMG Publishers BRIEF SUMMARY: Is your child about to embrace pagan spirituality? Casual occultism


What Would Jesus Do on the 'Day of Silence'?

It’s over for another year, but a sobering question should make every teacher, administrator and parent pause: what would Jesus think about the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence”? Would Jesus


Who is Kevin Jennings and Why Should You Care?

Please read and forward to anyone who might be interested. “U.S. Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan today announced the following nine appointments to his senior staff: ...Kevin


Viki Knox and the "Gay" Bullies

How would you like to wake up one morning to find that the New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, all your local TV stations and media outlets coast to coast are dissecting you and your posts on


Real Christians Say 'No' to Bullying and Homosexual Behavior

(Columbus, OH) A coalition of pro-family leaders today urges Christian families to be faithful to biblical morality and discerning in the face of false and irresponsible accusations. Christianity and


The Destructive Effects of 'Gay' Activism on American Schools

"'Safety' is freedom from hearing any criticism of, or warnings about, homosexuality. Kids must be taught to not dislike homosexuality." From a speech given by Linda Harvey We're going to talk


Does No Name-Calling Week Include Christians?

If your school has launched a bullying prevention program, it will most likely be a big focus this winter. Many schools will observe “No Name-Calling Week” in late January. But is respect for


Texas Boy Scout Massacre

Originally published at WND.com. Condom training, cross-dressing troop members, and lessons on "homophobia." Welcome to the new, improved Boy Scouts of America. The BSA just voted to embrace open


Sorry, Lady Gaga: This Land's Not Made for Anarchy

It’s been a busy week for the anarchist agenda. And most of the news is bad. President Trump and Lady Gaga seem to share the view that those involved in homosexual or gender-defiant behavior


Bullies Call for a Stop to Bullying

It will begin any day now. An avalanche of articles and evening news blurbs will suddenly descend upon an unenlightened America, all simultaneously decrying the problem of bullying and name-calling


Most HIV in Youth Caused by Homosexual Behavior

Should we continue to promote homosexual behavior, including the right to embrace a 'gay' identity, to teens and young adults? The sad reality is that in our public schools now, open homosexual


They're Creating "Gays" By Corrupting our Kids

Innocence is repulsive to many liberals. Their contempt forms the subtext of leftist policies involving children, like the gender-rebellion con job Obama’s federal Department of Education is


The Big FIB of Homosexuality

The question often comes up about whether homosexuality is a sin, or as it's known today, is being "gay" wrong? One can't answer such a question until the terms are defined, because there are many


Taking the 'Bull' Out of Anti-Bullying Programs

Push this Trojan Horse back out of the city gates. Your sixth grader, Zack, comes home from school. “Mom, Dad, guess what we talked about today? There are kids all over the country who are trying


Grooming Kids in a "Gay" Identity is Like Penn State Abuse

An investigative report has found that Penn State president Graham Spanier, head football coach Joe Paterno and others at Penn State turned a blind eye for years to Jerry Sandusky's molestation of


Fairy Tales Don't Come True: Impressionable Kids and Homosexuality

Josh is thirteen, and like many kids his age, he’s often unhappy. Everything about his life is uncertain. He’s only 5’4” and many of the girls in his middle school class are taller than he is.


Fairy Tales Don't Come True, Part II

When I wrote in our last issue of Choice 4 Truth about a boy named Josh, the article was posted on our web site (see Fairy Tales Don't Come True: Impressionable Kids and Homosexuality) as well as on


If You Support "Gay Marriage," You Also Support...

The aggressive promotion of homosexuality and gender change as good and worthy to our children, and any opposing views in schools, community groups, and children's media falsely portrayed as evil and


Notice to Parents: Mysticism Being Offered to Christian Youth

Lighthouse Trails has been contacted by several concerned parents and grandparents whose teens are being introduced to the teachings and films of emerging church leader, Rob Bell (a strong