Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

The Gay Agenda Targeting Youth

Grooming Kids in a "Gay" Identity is Like Penn State Abuse

An investigative report has found that Penn State president Graham Spanier, head football coach Joe Paterno and others at Penn State turned a blind eye for years to Jerry Sandusky's molestation of


Fairy Tales Don't Come True: Impressionable Kids and Homosexuality

Josh is thirteen, and like many kids his age, he’s often unhappy. Everything about his life is uncertain. He’s only 5’4” and many of the girls in his middle school class are taller than he is.


Fairy Tales Don't Come True, Part II

When I wrote in our last issue of Choice 4 Truth about a boy named Josh, the article was posted on our web site (see Fairy Tales Don't Come True: Impressionable Kids and Homosexuality) as well as on


If You Support "Gay Marriage," You Also Support...

The aggressive promotion of homosexuality and gender change as good and worthy to our children, and any opposing views in schools, community groups, and children's media falsely portrayed as evil and


Notice to Parents: Mysticism Being Offered to Christian Youth

Lighthouse Trails has been contacted by several concerned parents and grandparents whose teens are being introduced to the teachings and films of emerging church leader, Rob Bell (a strong


Community Organizing Our Youth for the 'Gay' Agenda

It’s Tuesday in November in White Plains, New York and time for the annual PrideWorks conference. School buses packed with middle and high school students drop off load after load at the


The Rainbow Assault on America's Children

It's bad enough that the Supreme Court is inventing rights to homosexuality-as-marriage that don't exist in the Constitution--but with the worldwide phenomenon of 'gay pride' in our streets each


Protecting Youth Against Homosexuality

A Seven-Point Plan for Churches to Implement Now “ For the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness...


Boy Assault Is a Crime, Not a Sexual Debut

American Thinker When teenagers reveal that they had sexual experiences before age 13, shouldn't every effort be made to find out something about their sex partners? That concern is missing from


Ally or Two-Faced Friend?

We've all told our kids not to succumb to peer pressure to do things they shouldn't do. And we all remember being told this by our parents. And we also try to steer our children toward worthy


The Forgotten Victims of "Gay Marriage"

When I was eight years old, my Christmas list held one item: a bride doll. Oh, how overjoyed I was when "Santa" left under our tree that beautiful, white-veiled icon of future girl dreams. And my


A Safe Place for Kids to Learn Homosexual Sex

***There's no required parental notification or consent, but kids are assured of “confidentiality.”*** --------------------------- It’s Friday at 5:00 p.m. Do you know where your kids


Parents, Teachers & Administrators: What to Do on the 'Day of Silence'

The annual, well-organized, and nearly ubiquitous pro-homosexual/pro-gender-confusion political event called the Day of Silence (DOS) invades our public schools on Friday, April 15, 2016. The Day of


Study Guide for "Maybe He's Not Gay" ( Second Edition)

Looking for a stimulating small group study on a current yet timeless Christian issue? Your group would be blessed by an in-depth study and discussion of Linda Harvey’s book, Maybe He’s Not Gay:


Recommend "Maybe He's Not Gay" to Your Library!

A message to our supporters from Linda Harvey: Friends, I am asking you to support the work of Mission America by recommending that your local public and high school libraries purchase my book


Accelerating Sexual War On Children

A coalition of child-sex advocates with no interest in the welfare of children just called for more “inclusive,” perversion-centered sex education. And they want it to start in


Parents Shocked by Reports about Lakota (OH) School Superintendent

[Warning: graphic content] There's a storm brewing in the Lakota school district north of Cincinnati. Parents are outraged about allegations that Matt Miller, the Lakota school superintendent, has