Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

The Homosexual Agenda Targeting Youth

OSU Sex Week is a Sleazy DEI Joke

Valentine's Day is coming up on February 14th, and the theme of love apparently triggers a whole array of opportunities designed by the sexual anarchist groups in our culture to promote dangerous and


After DeWine's Veto, We Must Take Action

Is there EVER a reason for children to be given puberty blockers or opposite sex hormones to interrupt natural development and optimum health? NO. It’s a complete distortion of fact that anyone can


Sex Education in Ohio 2023: Analysis of Audit by ODEW of Ohio Schools

Sex Education in Ohio Schools 2023 Analysis of 2022-23 Audit Conducted by Ohio Department of Education & Workforce Mission America ( www.missionamerica.com) Protect Ohio Children


Why Don't All OH Schools Follow the Law and Teach Abstinence?

We are very blessed in the state of Ohio to have a law that requires public schools to teach that abstinence until marriage is the standard for sexuality, and steer students away from early sexual


English Teachers' Plans to Destroy the Minds, Hearts and Souls of Children

Back several decades ago, I taught English language arts to eighth graders. A public relations opportunity came along and I never returned to teaching formally, although I’ve spoken to thousands of


School Corruption & Propaganda Calendar

Updated for School Year 2024-25 [NOTE: We have updated with the information we have at present. Please check back for additions in the next months as some events firm up their dates.] Are you


Christian Parents, Let’s Encourage Wholesome Children’s Media

Books are being removed from library shelves. Is this always a bad thing? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Like many aspects of education, everything depends on the values behind the actions. As


How SEL Brings Radical Sex Ed to Your School

Watch VIDEO also -- Parents today are starting to understand that sex education is not what it used to be.  Explicit, X-rated lessons promoting reckless, hook-up relationships are being delivered


What is "Between the Covers" of Children's Books?

[Originally published on Deborah's website, What's Inside Children's Books? Warning: graphic content] I am not the arbiter of what labels a book “good” or “bad.” Do I have my personal


Ohio School District Normalizes Child Abuse Symptoms in “LGBTQ” Presentation

It’s outrageous enough that school after school now positions “LGBTQ” identities and behaviors as positive inborn traits akin to race. That deception is doing untold harm to vulnerable children.


NEA Hates Children, America and Common Sense

Reports from the recent annual meeting of the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teacher’s union, are shocking. The new projects approved by delegates from schools all over the


Ohio GOP Decides No Funds for School Abstinence Lessons

Republicans in Ohio hold a super-majority in the state legislature, and yet the recently passed two year budget contains little or nothing for abstinence-until-marriage sex education in Ohio


Target, Kohl’s, Girl Scouts Team up with Child Corrupter GLSEN

The betrayal of Target gets more horrifying the closer you look. The growing movement to boycott the retailer is justified by its sale of offensive “pride” items to adults as well as children.


How We Can Overcome the Smug 'Pride' Agenda

The season for nauseating “pride” is upon us once again, and we can report both bad and good news. Stay tuned for action steps at the end. First, the bad news includes a planned after-school


GREAT NEWS! Gender Radicalism and Education Overhaul Both Defeated

Finally! After three months of deliberation, the Ohio State Board of Education finally passed a resolution that rejects the pro- homosexual, pro- gender confusion changes to Title IX federal law.


Parents Sue Over 'Trans' Tyranny in Ohio School

Parents in the Olentangy school district north of Columbus (OH) have filed a federal lawsuit against the district for violating both the First and 14th Amendment rights of students and families. The


The ‘LGBTQ’ Product American Kids are Buying and How To Stop It

Your child attending public school in the U.S. now has a 1 in 4 chance of declaring an “LGBTQ” identity before the end of high school. Do you see a problem with this? Perhaps you, like many


Halloween: Gender Deceivers' Favorite Holiday

(This article is from several years ago yet is even more relevant today) So now even Playboy can’t help itself. A recent centerfold is a deceiver—a man pretending to be a woman. It’s


Is "LGBTQ" Driving Rising Teen Mental Health Disorders?

In the most privileged, affluent country in the history of the world, our young people are experiencing a sharp rise in mental health problems and suicide attempts. What could be more ironic?


Abstinence Sex Education in Ohio Schools: Good News/Bad News from State Audit

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE --Feb. 20, 2023 Contact: Diane Stover – director@protectohiochildren.net                Linda Harvey – office@missionamerica.com (Cleveland,