Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

The Future of America

How Your Child's Life Can Derail through Media and Friends

A 13-year-old girl spends hours watching poison on YouTube. The dream of every parent? Hardly.   But many parents don’t see the unfolding tragedy until it’s too late.   It’s true that


Macy's Parade Marred by Lesbian Teen Kiss

On Thanksgiving morning at 9:00 am, we turned on the TV, eager to see the Ohio State marching band in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. The famous all-brass stars of Big 10 football games were


Witches at the Abortion Clinic "Blessing'

How deeply are abortion clinics connected to witchcraft?   Christians from all over Ohio who stood together to protest a “sacred blessing” ceremony at a Columbus, Ohio abortion clinic on


Witchcraft at the Clinic ( Images)

Here are photos from the protest of a Columbus abortion clinic's "sacred blessing" on November 9, 2018. Those standing in truth against the death of pre-born babies saw clear evidence of witchcraft


Latest Kids' Books Drenched with "Social Justice" Porn

Warning: graphic content   Parents in Las Vegas were furious when seventh-graders came home with an assigned book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. One boy asked his mom about a


Camp Followers Endanger the Church

Jonathan is a self-labeled Christian. He listens to CNN every day and never questions that he’s getting a reliable version of the truth.   What’s wrong with this picture?   Jonathan has a


Let’s Stop U.S. Export of Homosexual Agenda Through our Embassies

Should U.S. embassies around the globe fly rainbow flags to celebrate homosexuality? Or hold receptions to honor “pride”?   Of course not. In fact, it’s such an in-your-face insult, it


Is the NEA's Stranglehold on our Kids Ending?

They’re ba-a-ack. The NEA (National Education Association) just held its annual meeting with policy actions that once again border on sedition and lunacy.   But maybe it’s


CDC Survey: More American Youth Identify as Homosexuals

America is doing a terrific job of pushing homosexuality in schools, and as a result, more of our kids are engaging in this behavior and adopting the identity.   A major Centers for Disease


Will We Lose Little Women and Men to a Godless Matriarchy?

How would Jo March have reacted to the legalization of abortion in Ireland?   Planet Earth desperately needs sane masculine and feminine role models and committed parenting, yet what do we


Please, No More 'LGBT' Laws!

Homosexual men and lesbians now earn more than their mainstream counterparts. A recent study from Vanderbilt unveiled this inconvenient truth. Did you know this? Probably not, because the media


Judges, Porn and Child Rape

During the holiday season, thousands of victimized children in America will not have a merry Christmas. Little children who have been raped and videotaped lose trust and hope, instead living in a


Double Standard for Homosexual Child Abuse

As Hollywood bestows numerous awards on a new movie about a 24-year-old man pursuing a sexual relationship with a 17- year-old boy, we are not supposed to notice the glaring hypocrisy. Roy Moore,


10 Ways to Safeguard Kids from Predators

In the wake of the sex assault scandals of Weinstein, Spacey and others, the movie about pederasty in Hollywood, “An Open Secret,” is suddenly getting the attention it deserves. Is Hollywood’s


Will Pro-SPLC Media Robots Be Held Accountable?

The media’s propaganda campaign serving the Southern Poverty Law Center just hit close to home in my state, Ohio. A recent hit piece in the Columbus Dispatch stunningly displayed misplaced trust in


True Manhood Takes Another Hit-- On the Football Field

What is the mark of a real man? First of all, a real man is grateful—to God, family and country. Are we seeing appreciation among major sports’ figures right now? No, too many of these


Is Gender Insanity Waning?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has, praise God, overturned the lawless policy that U.S. civil rights law protected gender confusion. New DOJ guidance will allow First Amendment religious rights to


Kids Indoctrinated with 'Social Emotional Learning'

Schools are ground zero for trendy experiments. How many can we name from the past few decades? Whole language, new math, anti-bullying programs, multicultural education, values modification,


Not Black or White but Red is the Answer

Right after the Charlottesville riots, I had coffee with a long-time friend and she reminded me of a key point faithful Christians need to remember-- there is really no such thing as race. Race or


The Move to Repeal and Replace Christianity

The Nashville Statement has some virulent critics who have made it plain they want to wipe out sound sexual morality in favor of “LGBT” permissiveness. Or maybe, wipe out Christianity altogether.