Parading Like Sodom: The Sin of Pride
Flogging and Bondage Taught in Ohio Middle School Sex Ed
(Warning: explicit content)
Any wise parent with a child in public school has already figured out that sometimes you are being deceived.
Enter the world of “comprehensive sex education” (CSE)
Supreme Court Exalts Tyrannical 'LGBT' Fantasy Over Reality
by Linda Harvey
Many of you join me in reeling from shock that a majority at the U.S. Supreme Court just handed down an abysmally unjust opinion about homosexual and gender
The Sexual Roots of Civil Rebellion and Its Youth Victims
The USA Today headline was intended to pull heart strings: “Internet has proven to be an LGBTQ ‘lifeline.’” But for those who have been standing against the full surrender of America to
When Voters Understand LGBTQ Agenda Most Say No
It’s not a secret that activists driving “LGBTQ” rights in America are grand manipulators of public opinion, policy and facts.
So when it comes to polls on this subject, it turns out that
Here Come School "Sex Ed Squads" and Elementary Planned Parenthood Lessons
by Linda Harvey
Amazing what one can discover about American public schools through a public records request.
In California, Karen England, head of Capitol Resource Institute, sought the documents
Let's Go Back to Better, Not 'Normal'
Catastrophe brings reflection. What is most precious to me? What have I taken for granted?
And ideally, the number one issue, am I following God’s will for my life?
I share some nostalgia for
Jesus Rose to Save Homosexual Sinners
A call came in to our organization, Mission America, leaving this message. “I just came across your group and your viewpoint,” the young girl said, “and I just want you to know that I am
With Virus Front and Center, Watch for Tricks from Sexual Left
We’re all figuring out the new normal, yet it’s important to be on guard as the usual suspects try to rip off America while we aren’t looking.
For instance, Samaritan’s Purse is subjected to
Mayor Pete, When It Comes to Kids, Butt Out!
The stage-managing of children for the depraved goals of homosexuality and gender rebellion needs to come to an end, right now.
Pete Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana mayor running for president,
Resolution: Stand Up to "LGBT" Bullies in 2020
Who are the real bigots and bullies in America today? We all know the answer. The body count is piling up of those who’ve capitulated to sexual rebel demands. And it’s not because these folks
Appeasement Flops Again with "Fairness for All" Act
Here’s something to think about as we go into 2020. Do we want to give an inch to the homosexual bullies trying to take over America? No, and it’s not unfair or unkind to hold the line against
Parents Stand Strong, Planned Parenthood Holds Obscene Fundraisers
[Warning: graphic content]
When I consider the long-term well-being of our children and what they are taught at school, my first thought always goes to pole-dancing. How about you?
The Occult Roots of 'Drag' Identity
Men who dress as women love Halloween, and not just for the costuming opportunities. They are often keenly attuned to the dark spirits of the season and willing to do their bizarre, depraved
Surprise 'Coming Out' Middle School Assembly Angers Parents
Most parents don’t like to be the last to know what’s being presented to their children, and Dayton, Ohio-area families were appalled to learn about a school-wide assembly held at a middle school.
5 Reasons People Don't Trust the Media on 'LGBT' Issues
Old habits are hard to break. And the mainstream media has been inaccurately reporting about homosexuality and gender confusion for a long time.
A “progressive” takeover of journalism
Good News! There's No Bully Gene
There’s a great report coming out of genetic research. After painstaking study, scientists have determined there is, in fact, no gene for being a bully.
No gene for being a cruel oppressor who
Iowa Incident Reveals Small Town Strategy of "LGBT" Activists
Your library in Mayberry is planning a “drag queen” event. What’s the best way to protest “LGBTQ” activism and child seduction in your small town?
Get ready, America. Local libraries
Survey Shows American Youth Waking Up to Homosexual Harm
Linda Harvey
“Do you want your future children taught ‘LGBT’ history lessons?”
That’s essentially the question (along with others) presented to young Americans 18 to 34 in a
Draining the Rainbow Swamp
Linda Harvey
Have you had your fill of “pride” yet?
Corporations, government agencies, online sites, schools. AT&T, Walmart, Kellogg’s, Nationwide, Ikea. I was already on rainbow
Another OH Child Corruption Library Event Cancelled, thanks to Speaker Householder
Please send a thank-you to Speaker of the Ohio House Larry Householder for standing up against child corruption in libraries.
Another victory just occurred for Ohio families, this time through