Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Hate Crimes, Bullying, and Free Speech

Day of Silence: What It's Costing American Youth

"This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real child-endangering emergency, where children are taught to hate Christians, embrace sodomy and praise sexual anarchy, you would be alerted


How the Left Raises Up a Bradley Manning

This week, we saw President Obama and leaders of the left proclaim on the Washington Mall that civil rights covers all kinds of sins, in stark contrast to what Martin Luther King probably meant by


Children and Christians: Pawns in the “Gay” Bullying Game

Parents in Minnesota and Iowa are fighting bills that would usher in sweeping pro-homosexual school programs, all in the name of "bullying prevention," but it's a smoke and mirrors game. There's a


What's Wrong With the 'Day of Silence'?

In April, students in schools all over America will be persuaded that homosexuals, bisexuals and transgendered people are victims of widespread discrimination and violence. Therefore, a special day


When Bullying Kids Is Disguised As ‘Anti-Bullying’

Originally published May 2014 in WND's Whistleblowermagazine.  Sitting in the Capitol Hill hearing room of the House Judiciary Committee and listening to a Justice Department report from Thomas


Top 10 "Gay" Abuses of 2011

Looking back on 2011, I’ve compiled a list of the top abuses by homosexual activists and their allies in the U.S. In putting together this list, I consulted some of the top pro-family leaders


Southern Poverty Law Center: Stop Hating, Start Debating!

Mission America Signs On! The surest sign one is losing a debate is to resort to character assassination. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal fundraising machine whose tactics have been


Real Christians Say 'No' to Bullying and Homosexual Behavior

(Columbus, OH) A coalition of pro-family leaders today urges Christian families to be faithful to biblical morality and discerning in the face of false and irresponsible accusations. Christianity and


Are You A Pro-'Gay' Bigot?

This quiz is for those who care about current issues. Please pass it on to anyone you think should ponder these questions. Do you believe in free speech about homosexuality for everyone except


Does No Name-Calling Week Include Christians?

If your school has launched a bullying prevention program, it will most likely be a big focus this winter. Many schools will observe “No Name-Calling Week” in late January. But is respect for


We Appreciate Words of Encouragement!!

We so deeply appreciate our friends and fellow family warriors! Mission America has been receiving yet another round of vicious emails reacting to headlines on homosexual blogs that don't accurately


Christian Organizations Falsely Labeled 'Hate' Groups

Well, another of my favorite pro-family organizations was just listed as a “hate” group on a supposedly objective web site. It might be amusing if it didn’t hurt the reputations of tireless and


Bullies Call for a Stop to Bullying

It will begin any day now. An avalanche of articles and evening news blurbs will suddenly descend upon an unenlightened America, all simultaneously decrying the problem of bullying and name-calling


Fired for My Christian Beliefs

In 2005, after 16 years in elementary education, I decided to go to graduate school in counseling. I found an excellent, Christian counseling program with Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, and


7 Things to Expect Post- Supremes' Marriage Ruling

The unthinkable may be near at hand: homosexuality as a “civil right.” It’s a complete lie but the signs point to the U.S. Supreme Court granting constitutional rights’ status to same sex


Harry Potter and Anti-Christian Bigotry

Is it possible Harry Potter is fostering anti-Christian bigotry in our youth?   Our kids hear every day in public schools about the perils of "intolerance" and "homophobia." They are cautioned


Sin vs. Service: The Issue is Virtue

Why are conservatives back-peddling on slam-dunk issues like freedom of religion? Because we are being challenged on a core question which we refuse to directly address. And here it is: what about


Grandma Shows Up on SPLC 'Hate' List

In light of recent news that the extremist Southern Poverty Law Center has added more groups to its “hate” list, here’s the experience of a guy named Sam. Sam got a call from his elderly


The Forgotten Victims of "Gay Marriage"

When I was eight years old, my Christmas list held one item: a bride doll. Oh, how overjoyed I was when "Santa" left under our tree that beautiful, white-veiled icon of future girl dreams. And my


Jihad, Wedding Cakes and Real American Freedom

Suddenly the left defends religious liberty. They are shocked, shocked that Donald Trump proposed limits on Muslim immigration to America. But what about all those same sex “wedding” cakes? What