Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

'Equality Act" is Unjust and Unequal


The “gay lobby” has tried it before. But now that marriage is officially a grand social experiment in our nation, homosexual activists have moved on, updating and re-launching the next weapon of revolution. And it’s a whopper, one that potentially unites homosexual advocates with defenders of Planned Parenthood.

Their enemy? Christians, conservatives and all who are pro-life and pro-family.

The unjust and unequal “Equality Act” was introduced in Congress as H.R. 3185 and S. 1858 just before summer recess. This legislation jumps way beyond any previous anti-discrimination bill and would essentially wipe out free speech and religious liberty on the issues of homosexuality and gender change by declaring these behaviors to be civil rights in America.

Religious freedom restoration acts are declared to be powerless under this bill.

ARTICLE continues HERE.