Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

The Porn Epidemic

No Parents Allowed at School-Sponsored Sexual Corruption

[Warning: graphic content] Are you comfortable with your child writing an English class paper about a “transitioning” male-to-female make-up artist? Or answering an essay question explaining why


Parents Stand Strong, Planned Parenthood Holds Obscene Fundraisers

[Warning: graphic content]   When I consider the long-term well-being of our children and what they are taught at school, my first thought always goes to pole-dancing. How about you?   Planned


Tell our Boys: Say Yes to Porn, Say Goodbye to the Best Girls

It’s the rumbling sexual earthquake in this country, a moral and public health emergency few want to talk about.   It’s often the buried root beneath the screaming demands for “LGBTQ”


The Spin Begins: "LGBTQ" Advocates Excuse Child Corruption

We are very blessed in Ohio to have some great pro-family legislators in Columbus at the Statehouse, and one of them just introduced a bill to address an emerging threat to children. It’s House


POSTERS & SIGNS to Express Your Views!

Are you sick and tired of the sexual corruption of your kids? Or your classmates? How about porn-laden, radical sex ed? The incessant "LGBTQ" agenda? Boys in girl bathrooms? Here are FREE,


Kids Tutored in "Pleasure" Despite STD Epidemic

“You have a right to be sexual!” It’s the siren song of groups like SIECUS, GLSEN and Advocates for Youth to lure America’s adolescents.   And Planned Parenthood tells teen girls on


Latest Kids' Books Drenched with "Social Justice" Porn

Warning: graphic content   Parents in Las Vegas were furious when seventh-graders came home with an assigned book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. One boy asked his mom about a


The "Consent" Education that Exposes Kids to Obscenity

Every American today should consider this question -- am I being manipulated?   Discernment in an age of mass deception merits a much larger discussion. But let’s just consider one subject


The Top 10 Child Corruption Trends of 2017

As we look back on 2017, how did our children fare? Unfortunately, the risk to America’s youth of deliberate corruption is escalating and along with that, the responsibility of parents and public


Judges, Porn and Child Rape

During the holiday season, thousands of victimized children in America will not have a merry Christmas. Little children who have been raped and videotaped lose trust and hope, instead living in a


Feminist Porn Contributes to Predator Epidemic

Want to reduce the sexual abuse of women and children? Get porn out of homes, offices, studios, schools, libraries and off personal smart phones. And also out of the mouths of obscene feminists who


10 Ways to Safeguard Kids from Predators

In the wake of the sex assault scandals of Weinstein, Spacey and others, the movie about pederasty in Hollywood, “An Open Secret,” is suddenly getting the attention it deserves. Is Hollywood’s


Professors Who Are Child-Porn Monsters

What in the world goes through the mind and heart of a child abuser? A child rapist? Or the person who collects images of children being raped and tortured and exchanges them with other viewers,


Parents Shocked by Reports about Lakota (OH) School Superintendent

[Warning: graphic content] There's a storm brewing in the Lakota school district north of Cincinnati. Parents are outraged about allegations that Matt Miller, the Lakota school superintendent, has