Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Life Matters

With Virus Front and Center, Watch for Tricks from Sexual Left

We’re all figuring out the new normal, yet it’s important to be on guard as the usual suspects try to rip off America while we aren’t looking. For instance, Samaritan’s Purse is subjected to


Ohio Primary Election Information!

Your vote is VERY IMPORTANT! If you are looking for reliable guidance for the upcoming Ohio primary election, here are some great resources for information about candidates. I Voter Guide Ohio


CANCELLED! Pro Abortion OH Lawmaker Presenting Seminar in Catholic Church

Update: Because of calls to the church and the Diocese of Columbus, the event described below has been CANCELLED at St. Peter Church. Praise God! It will be held, however, at a public library on Feb.


God, Ingratitude and Sexual Sin

It’s that time of year when being grateful rises to the top of our priority list --for most of us, that is.   Sadly, some people are simply ungrateful, and proudly so. When we see the deep


Parents Stand Strong, Planned Parenthood Holds Obscene Fundraisers

[Warning: graphic content]   When I consider the long-term well-being of our children and what they are taught at school, my first thought always goes to pole-dancing. How about you?   Planned


Can Ohio Overcome Its Whining Pro-Abortion Democrats?

It was an historic moment.   On April 10, 2019, I was present in the Ohio House chamber as Ohio’s “Heartbeat Bill” finally achieved victory. It was signed the next day by Governor Mike