Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Gender Deviance and Our Kids

Harris/Walz is the Ideal Groomer Ticket

The presidential ticket of Harris/Walz is a dog whistle to child predators and their apologists. Fire alarms should be going off in every parent’s head. Harris is bad enough, but Walz, as a former


Upper Arlington (OH) Proposes "Equity" -- Tyranny with a Smiley Face

UPPER ARLINGTON (OH) SCHOOL DISTRICT Proposal for “Equity” August 2024 AKA, “Tyranny with a Smiley Face” The Board of Education of the Upper Arlington (OH) Schools drafted a proposal for


Do the 10 Commandments Align with Social Emotional Learning?

American educators have a love-fest going with a trend called social emotional learning, SEL. It is suddenly everywhere within the last few years, infused in most parts of a child's daily school


Title IX School Watchdog Campaign Begins

The good news about the outrageous proposed changes to Title IX federal law is that most states will be able to say 'no,' thanks to numerous court rulings, at least for now. Ohio is one of


Is the National Education Association Imploding?

A strike called by the staff of the National Education Association (NEA) cut short the July 4-7, 2024 NEA Representative Assembly (NEA-RA) in Philadelphia, leaving many delegates frustrated and


Without Drag Queens, Will Children Be Illiterate?

Enjoying a little light reading one recent afternoon-- perusing the Southern Poverty Law Center’s annual “Year in Hate and Extremism” magazine-- I was stopped cold by one article. And I started


The Twilight of Pride in America

[Warning: graphic content] The end is not here, but may be coming soon. And that would be a very good thing. Have you ever prayed for a day to be over, a day where things were going so badly you


Schools Back Off Legal Exposure and Expel Groomers

Do most parents understand that the word “inclusive” in schools means that kids will be taught how to have “safe” anal sex? Pardon me if I’ve shocked you, but that’s the bottom line, so


Highlights for Children Goes Queer, Families Betrayed Again

Just in time for sinful “pride” month, we learn that another corporation bites the poisonous rainbow dust. Highlights for Children, which many of us fondly remember for its hidden puzzles in


Title IX Pushback is a Healthy Sign

The Title IX changes the Biden administration has declared now in force are meeting with an enormous pushback throughout the country. Within days after the federal Department of Education announced


Keep Objecting to Homosexuality: 4 Good Reasons

Linda Harvey It’s curious that, as parents around the country unite against the wicked “trans” agenda directed toward our kids, quite a few are willing to accommodate homosexual


Preventing Abuse, or Sexualizing Children?

by Linda Harvey Warning: Explicit Content Recently, parents in several northern Ohio school districts became outraged when they discovered how schools were fulfilling a new Ohio instructional


Keep Kids Home! GLSEN Takes Gloves Off on "Day of NO Silence"

Mission America urges parents to keep students home (April 5, Columbus, OH) The solar eclipse will not be the only episode of national darkness this week. Recently, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight


Ohio Schools Defying State Law will Endanger Children

UPDATED--Some people think it’s okay if confused 14-year-old girls seek out surgeons to amputate their healthy breasts after being persuaded they should try to become males. It’s also apparently


Ohio GOP Takes Big Money from Teachers' Unions

UPDATED for easier reference-- see the top recipients of teacher union donations. As Ohioans consider candidates during this election year, let’s think about our values and who we will


OSU Sex Week is a Sleazy DEI Joke

Valentine's Day is coming up on February 14th, and the theme of love apparently triggers a whole array of opportunities designed by the sexual anarchist groups in our culture to promote dangerous and


After DeWine's Veto, We Must Take Action

Is there EVER a reason for children to be given puberty blockers or opposite sex hormones to interrupt natural development and optimum health? NO. It’s a complete distortion of fact that anyone can


Sex Education in Ohio 2023: Analysis of Audit by ODEW of Ohio Schools

Sex Education in Ohio Schools 2023 Analysis of 2022-23 Audit Conducted by Ohio Department of Education & Workforce Mission America ( www.missionamerica.com) Protect Ohio Children


Why Don't All OH Schools Follow the Law and Teach Abstinence?

We are very blessed in the state of Ohio to have a law that requires public schools to teach that abstinence until marriage is the standard for sexuality, and steer students away from early sexual


English Teachers' Plans to Destroy the Minds, Hearts and Souls of Children

Back several decades ago, I taught English language arts to eighth graders. A public relations opportunity came along and I never returned to teaching formally, although I’ve spoken to thousands of