It’s over for another year, but a sobering question should make every teacher, administrator and parent pause: what would Jesus think about the pro-homosexual “Day of Silence”?
Would Jesus have remained silent as the tender sympathies of children were manipulated by sin-exalting messages? Our Savior’s blood spilled on the cross rescued humanity from sin, so it’s highly unlikely He would have smiled indulgently as vulnerable 11 to 17- year -olds were led by wicked adults to do silent homage to sodomy and gender distortion.
On the “Day of Silence,” the administrators of many middle and high schools went beyond passive tolerance of students silently protesting the bullying of “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered” youth. Quite a few schools actively advocated for “Day of Silence” goals and messages, permitting students and even teachers to remain silent during class time, permitting the erroneous implication to stand unchallenged, that only full acceptance of “LGBT” behaviors will end specific bullying incidents.
The “Day of Silence”(DOS) was given a place of honor and respect in too many schools, where adults who should have better judgment accepted the DOS mask of “bullying prevention” as the truth. But only a modest amount of research reveals the true objectives of this protest. The DOS koolaid always comes with a bitter pill-- swallowing sexual deviance and vomiting out virtue.
What would Jesus have said to those encouraging boys to deny manhood and believe the lie of effemininity? What would He say as girls are pushed toward that glorious day when they are old enough for amputation of healthy breasts and hormones to grow beards? Would the Lord nod in agreement with those who say it’s “hate” to object to such harmful messages?
These are the lessons of the “Day of Silence”(DOS), that criticizing homosexuality or gender confusion is a form of bullying.
ARTICLE continues HERE.