There’s some very encouraging news about those who have been pushing homosexuality and gender confusion to our children and on our culture. When you first look at a couple of recent news items, you might think these activists are stronger than ever, but consider the rest of the story.
We can all cheer over the fabulous executive orders from Trump on gender ideology and DEI, and the ripple effects are being felt far and wide. Yet we know this isn’t going to stop the most committed troublemakers. So let’s look at what’s playing out and why it’s important.
A recent Gallup poll revealed that more people than ever identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered or questioning, with the largest group being bisexual. Younger people are more likely to be involved in these behaviors than older. The incessant promotion in schools is bearing its rotten fruit because, sadly, almost 10% of the adult population now claims one of these sinful identities.
But many hopeful signs point to a slowdown of child corruption. With companies backing off DEI and snubbing the so-called “Corporate Equality Index,” the largest homosexual activist group in the country, the Human Rights Campaign, just laid off 20% of its staff. And one of the most influential (and harmful) groups in schools nationwide, the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network, GLSEN, just laid off 60% of its staff. Corporate donations are down and federal grants will be drying up.
A recent article blamed GLSEN’s financial woes on conservative groups who “falsely portray the organization’s work as an effort to indoctrinate students. “ But there’s nothing false about exposing GLSEN’s decades of reckless deception that children are born homosexual or in the wrong sex body. Neither are true.
This group’s legacy is built on normalizing “grooming,” dividing children from parents, and encouraging gravely sinful behavior among children.
GLSEN was the recipient of several federal grants. One was a recent COVID PPP “loan.” Another given during the Obama years I described in 2011:
“GLSEN...proudly announced it has received a five-year grant from the CDC to establish ‘safe zones’ in 20 schools nationwide. The group will receive $285,000 a year for five years, with the project to be launched this school year, 2011-2012.”
GLSEN “safe zones” in schools are a grooming mechanism to mark territory. Pink triangles denote a counselor or teacher where students are free to be “out” and will never be troubled by truth about the dangers of homosexuality or gender distortion. And classrooms without these? Look out—these teachers are potentially dangerous enemies. Authentic child protection is absent if they are taught that “LGBTQ” is “safe,” while those who voice objections are just like vicious bullies.
Yet speaking of fake safety, there’s another group cutting back and it’s, if possible, even better news. The Trevor Project, which apparently had 600 employees, will be downsizing because donations have dropped and a large government grant is possibly on the chopping block. This “LGBTQ”- oriented suicide hotline also operates private chat rooms for youth as young as 13 with no parent oversight. I join many others who have been sounding the alarm about Trevor, calling the “Trevor Space” private online communities a predator’s dream.
School districts routinely list Trevor under its “suicide prevention” or “anti-bullying” resources, but surely schools could choose a service that doesn’t simultaneously corrupt vulnerable teens?
Let’s not forget a key fact about Trevor’s “leadership”—
“The former head of governmental relations for Trevor is Sam Brinton, ....Biden’s nuclear waste disposal hire at the Department of Energy. Sam is into bondage and ‘kink’ and is very open about his affinity for “pup handling” (leading around other men in leashes).”
Brinton was a diversity choice under Biden who was later apprehended after stealing women’s luggage—three times— in airports.
We welcome Trump's focus on defunding DEI and gender ideology, and there’s another great outcome: “LGBTQ” employee groups within federal agencies are also being shut down. Both the State Department and the DOJ are disbanding their internal “pride” groups, and that’s terrific news since they are the incubators of anti-family, anti-American activism and possibly national security issues.
In fact, Christopher Rufo recently outlined a whistleblower’s revelations about the “trans cult” inside the NSA and other security agencies, originally connected through employee “pride” clubs. Our most sensitive agencies have become dominated by male-to-female trans activists who indulge their online workday with deviant sexual topics, and show all the earmarks of the unstable left—virulent hatred of capitalism, America, and Christians. Thankfully, many will now be dismissed.
Speaking of subversive, a revelation in the UK should shock us all. Stonewall UK, an activist group that has been a leader in pushing the rainbow radical agenda in the UK, announced that they are cutting their staff by 50%. Why? Because this group was largely funded by USAID. That’s right—American taxpayers were funding the corruption of children both in this country and in others.
Government funding to radical organizations that have promoted these behaviors to children and opposed parental rights are looking at a dim future. And that is great news for our culture and for our children.
It may mean that we will start to see far less promotion of homosexuality and gender deviance in our schools, and that we may begin to see far fewer children as a result identifying in these ways and putting themselves and their futures at risk.
And that fewer of them will reject knowing the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is great news indeed.