There's an old adage that says, “Strike while the iron is hot.” We are witnessing a cultural shift back to sanity and the rule of law in our culture, thanks to the prompt actions of President Trump and his amazing team of pro-America warriors.
So now is the time for state legislators to put forward bills that will receive a new level of public support and hopefully pass in our statehouses. Here are my ideas for Ohio and elsewhere, and I know I’m not the only one thinking along these lines.
First of all, how about a bill that would, at the state level, ban diversity equity and inclusion programs in all our schools?
It just so happens that state Senator Andrew Brenner has just introduced a bill like this at the Ohio statehouse. It’s Senate Bill 113, to prohibit diversity, equity and inclusion in schools. It’s just now starting its round of hearings.
A bill to prohibit DEI programs in Ohio colleges and universities just passed the Ohio Senate and is now being considered by the Ohio House. That’s Senate Bill 1.
Let’s hope both of these bills pass quickly.
And how about a bill that prohibits social emotional learning in schools? Some states (like Maine, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Iowa and Oklahoma) have already tried this, but the efforts need to be renewed and expanded. An enhanced public education campaign needs to show parents what SEL really is: a mandated global worldview for children, one that usually includes DEI, normalizes LGBTQ behaviors, practices amateur psychology, and feeds anti-Christian and anti-American attitudes as well.
And we need bills to repeal “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” non-discrimination laws or school. I realize this is a big ask, but it’s way overdue. No civil rights should be based on these made-up categories for what is essentially chosen, immoral conduct that harms children and society.
A mom in Texas discovered that some of the profane and indecent books in her school district were ones that are actually banned in Texas prisons, so along these lines, we need state laws about library content that make sense and reflect what’s really going on. Let’s bring decency back to reading material for our kids.
Too many novels that feature people of color or “LGBTQ” characters, are eagerly defended even if they are obscene by the robotic progressives in education. No, obscenity is obscenity.
If book passages can’t be read aloud on the public airwaves, or aloud at a school board meeting, then they have no place in a public or school library. It’s time for the exemptions for schools that exist in most state obscenity laws to be repealed.
We need to tighten up laws to make anti-Semitism totally out of line in all our schools and colleges. Calling for the murder of Jews does not qualify as “free speech” but should become a law enforcement matter.
It would be great to reinforce our Ohio abstinence sex education law and pass similar laws in other states. We have tolerated pro-abortion, pro-condom, obscene sex education from groups like Planned Parenthood for too long.
And I was so thrilled from our friends at MassResistance to hear that the North Dakota House just passed a resolution asking the U.S. Supreme Court to repeal the 2015 Obergefell ruling that established same sex so-called “marriage.” We need a similar resolution in every state in the country. Other states, including Idaho, North Dakota, Montana, Michigan, Iowa, Kansas, are working on similar resolutions. Why not Ohio?
And I haven’t even begun to dream about pro-life legislation. In some states (Michigan, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New York, Vermont) we must essentially start from scratch after the success of pro-abortion state measures. Maybe it’s time to revisit statewide ballot issues of our own.
I know I’m just dreaming, but really, some or maybe all of this is possible. Call your own statehouse representatives and ask them to sponsor bills like these, and support any that are already underway.