Mission America

Christian Commentary on the Culture

Harris/Walz is the Ideal Groomer Ticket

Linda Harvey

The presidential ticket of Harris/Walz is a dog whistle to child predators and their apologists. Fire alarms should be going off in every parent’s head.

Harris is bad enough, but Walz, as a former teacher, has a particular interest in youth and therefore, he’s a tremendous danger. Our hearts should break over unborn children deliberately killed through abortion, or any children or teen led by wicked adults into “LGBTQ” identities or behavior. That’s why we should be shocked and infuriated over the elevation of two proud groomers to run for the highest offices in our land.

Kamala’s track record is radical enough as an abortion-on-demand advocate, RuPaul drag queen guest, and much more. But Walz is even worse, if possible. Tim Walz is fine with infanticide.  Apparently we’re supposed to “mind our own business “ and let full term babies die. He signed a bill that allows abortion at any point in pregnancy in Minnesota. And 8 children have reportedly been born alive and left to die after botched abortions under Walz’ tenure as governor, 5 in 2021 and 3 in 2020.

Harris voted against the “Born Alive Infants Protection Act” as a U.S. Senator.

For those children allowed to live under a Harris/Walz administration, they will be subject to sexual corruption at every turn. Walz celebrates being the first advisor to a “gay straight alliance” at Mankato West High School in 1999.

This is another kind of cruel (beyond justifying the deaths of full term infants). GSA clubs exist to proudly affirm the high-risk, God-dishonoring behaviors of homosexuality and gender distortion to impressionable teens as well as to bash faiths that advocate sexual morality.  Walz claims a student who had been bullied asked him to be the advisor to the newly forming club. This begs a question-- do we need to affirm homosexual behavior to stop bullying? Short answer: NO.

But “LGBTQ” pressure groups have been claiming for three decades that one cannot happen without the other. This movement continues to be guilty of gross manipulation of facts and education policy, tragically misleading a generation of young people.

So why did Walz choose to champion sin among vulnerable teens? Probably because his record shows he’s a committed radical all across the leftist board, and has little regard for children, born or unborn.

He signed a bill for 'trans' treatments for kids, even making MN a “sanctuary state” for gender mutilation treatments on minors. He signed an executive order banning so-called “conversion therapy,” which is the Left’s pejorative for chosen therapy for sexual orientation/gender confusion. Recent studies show that it’s not harmful and often helpful.

Walz recently signed a bill that mandates sanitary products be placed in all restrooms for students. In other words, tampons in boys’ bathrooms. He’s apparently another leftist who doesn’t know what a woman is.

As governor, he has supported “pride” month with all its misinformation and forced affirmation of immorality. In Congress, Tim Walz co-sponsored a bill to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.

Yes, he is loved by “LGBTQ” activist groups. Whatever they want, he does. And that surely means, he will be the darling of the NEA and AFT unions and their progressive anti-child recommendations for schools.

Such explosive relationships bode ill for America’s children, and so does Walz’ church affiliation. Apparently, Walz attends Pilgrim Lutheran Church in St. Paul, a very liberal, pro-LGTBQ and social justice church.

So Walz communes with heresy. This means his judgment is influenced by forces in rebellion against Almighty God.

Just sayin’.

That’s what’s going on with people like him. And children will always be at risk, as we all will,  by his other positions that put our communities and our country in danger. He’s okay with open borders, he is apparently cozy with family-unfriendly Marxism, and he allowed Minneapolis to burn while he slow-walked ordering the National Guard. And what about his numerous trips to China? He and his wife even honeymooned there.

In Congress, Tim Walz supported ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military. A DEI, gender-bending military is apparently his ( and Kamala’s) goal.  Walz’ stolen valor behavior has made those who have served faithfully furious.

America would be unsafe under this duo. We will be unready militarily for the coming geopolitical turmoil that the Biden/Harris administration has enabled. To light an even hotter fuse on the prospect of Harris/Walz, they are both anti-Semitic. Harris, who showed tremendous disrespect to Benjamin Netanyahu on his recent visit to the U.S., is likely to abandon Israel, bending to the Hamas segment of the Democratic Party. Walz leans that way as well.

They don’t hide their intentions. Our children would be in danger and so would all of America. Spread the word.

And pray like crazy.