Here’s a sign to post in New Jersey: ”Welcome to our state, where boys may openly pose as girls and governors may openly pose as Republicans.”
Gov. Chris Christie just joined the “Hall of Shame” list of politicians facilitating gender mutilation of a child’s body and soul, using schools as the tool of corruption.
And parents are sometimes the last to know.
Christie just signed a sweeping bill on “transgender” rights in NJ schools so school officials can encourage gender rebellion among students. Under the new law, a school is prohibited from insisting confused boys use the male restroom or shower. And teachers will be forced to lie and use a male pronoun and name to address a confused girl student, if that’s what she wants.
And the law also guarantees “confidentiality” about a student’s gender identity.
This surely means that in some cases, a parent’s right to know if a son or daughter is secretly adopting an opposite sex identity while at school will be violated.
New Jersey is not alone. This anti-parent stance is becoming a trend. This fall, defiant, newly-minted policies are being established in schools all over the country to seriously erode parental rights, under the guise of “helping” the ‘transgender” student.
The betrayal of our kids starts in Washington, however. The wayward U.S. Department of Education gave impetus to this parent-defying attitude during the Obama administration, and it will take a lot to bring sanity back to the states and local schools. The federal DOE “transgender” policy cites local school policies in District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Chicago, and Oregon that recommend withholding knowledge of student gender confusion from parents if needed.
If that wasn’t bad enough, a new target for leftist bigotry is emerging: students who instinctively know that supporting gender rebellion is wrong for their fellow students, and who don’t want to shower with the opposite sex. They will be segregated, and ushered to an alternate bathroom or locker room.
All such people, adults and students alike, are viewed as Neanderthals. The patronizing Maryland Department of Education policy is a nauseating example.
Its language shows contempt for parents or students who don’t believe gender confusion should be supported. They believe these student differences (actually, disorders) “… can cause discomfort, fear, and skepticism in others due to a general lack of knowledge and understanding around gender identity.”
So we are just paranoid and badly- educated, it seems.
In Maryland, here’s the policy for the student concealing gender posing from parents:
“In some cases… notifying parents carries risks for the student, such as being rejected by the family. In these situations case-by-case decisions made in consultation with the student should reflect an understanding of all the factors that may affect the student’s safety and well-being. Schools are generally not required to disclose this information unless it is recorded in an official record and requested by a parent…“
Parents are frequently viewed with a presumption of suspicion, in most cases undeserved.
The Hawaii education department says this about “helping” a student begin “transition”:
“Every student’s situation is different, so this process should begin with a meeting between the student and an administrator, counselor to discuss the type of supports the student is requesting. During this initial meeting, the counselor or administrator should also try to discover the extent to which the student’s parents are aware of the student’s gender identity. An initial meeting may or may not include the student’s parents, depending on individual circumstances and how the meeting was initiated... “
Where do these anti-family radicals get policy input on “trans” school issues?
From radical groups like GLSEN and Gender Spectrum, which have no respect for conservative views that might rescue children caught in such destructive delusions.
Many of the state policies, including Maryland’s, were adapted from Gender Spectrum’s model language and “toolkit.” Yet here’s the kind of nonsense Gender Spectrum conveys:
“When a baby is born the grown-ups look at its body and say, ‘It’s a girl’ or ‘It’s a boy’ but they may not be right. We only know what a person’s gender is when they are old enough to tell us.”
Right. So, would that apply to other objective facts? We don’t know if the child has two legs and not three, blue eyes not brown, ten fingers and not twelve, until he or she tells us?
These idiots and their networks in education agencies and schools are the problem, not concerned parents and sensible students.
And the courts in liberal states are not helping. That’s why Minnesota mom Anmarie Calgaro is appealing her case to the Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.
Calgaro’s son was ushered through “transgender” medical treatment and emancipated as a minor without her parental consent and in defiance of state law in Minnesota. Her appeal rejects a lower court ruling exempting school, county and health care authorities from liability.
Leftists keep just doing what they want without federal statutory authority. Even though President Trump overturned the Obama executive order applying Title IX law to the school “transgender” issue, Maryland schools still believe that Title IX magically covers homosexuality and gender confusion “discrimination.”
In Minnesota, the state’s “toolkit” still cites “federal law” on Title IX, with no mention that President Trump overturned this directive.
Yet if Title IX applies to any discrimination based on sex or gender stereotyping, don’t the students being forced to share showers with the opposite sex have viable suits?
A lot of damage can be done through innuendo and “suggestions.” What if you discovered, for instance, that teachers and administrators at your child’s school were privately counseling a student to continue anorexia without parental knowledge or consent?
Or to take up Satanism?
But it’s just one student, one might argue. And few will ever know about it.
Yet once school officials think they have the right to mess with the mind, body and soul of any student, it can quickly become all students.
And that’s called propaganda.